Scientific Illustrator: Scientific illustrators visually represent aspects of science, particularly observations of the natural world.Collaborating with scientists, physicians, and other specialists, medical illustrators transform complex information into visual images that have the potential to communicate to broad audiences. Medical Illustrator: A medical illustrator is a professional artist with advanced education in both the life sciences and visual communication.Children’s Book Illustrator: Children’s book illustrators involve colorful and simplistic drawings to facilitate young people-even those who cannot read yet-to understand or pay better attention to a story.

They are artists who contribute to producing work in the comic form, from those who oversee all aspects of the work to those who contribute only a part. Comic Book Illustrator: Comic book illustrators are people working within the comic medium on comic strips, comic books, or graphic novels.The client has the freedom to choose from and see the different stages of development They may usually include fantasy illustrations, gaming illustrations, or animation.

The themes may be client-given or original artistic conceptions of the illustrator.